A Light Bulb Moment…..with Human Update


This week is #InternationalStressAwarenessWeek


With increasingly busy lifestyles, our resilience levels are often stretched. Sometimes we struggle through the week and spend our evenings and weekends in recovery mode.

So, is it time for an energy audit?

What lights you up?

What dims your glow?

Here is an informal peek at some possible energy saving and energy zapping elements in our lives! (elements, see what we did there?)

What drains your energy Bulb?

1. NEGATIVE CONVERSATIONS AND GOSSIP. These can be draining and not the healthiest dialogues to be around. Uncomfortable discussions that are not constructive can make you feel associated and compromised. It’s ok to step away and not fuel unhelpful energy. Instead, be mindful of what alternative interactions light you up and align with your values. Ask yourself, do you need the drama?

2. THE UNKIND INNER VOICE. Hmmmm, this one can drain from within! Be aware of how you are speaking to yourself. Constructive self-criticism and reflection are healthy parts of personal growth, but are you being unkind to you? Are you undermining yourself, are you being unfairly critical? Are you getting in your own way and dimming your own light?

3. WATCH THOSE BOUNDARIES! We all want to “be there” but be mindful that there is a balance and respect for your needs and energy space! And remember, the enemy from within, your inner critic, needs to mind their manners too!

4. EXCESSIVE SOCIAL MEDIA SCROLLING and those unhealthy comparisons. How much time and emotional energy can you spend addictively scrolling and /or looking over your virtual shoulder? Market research, finding new leads, networks and checking in with accounts and people you love is constructive. But limit your time online and be aware of your motives for surfing the web!

5. LACK OF SOLAR ENERGY. When we do not get outside and catch some natural daylight this can impact our melatonin levels making us feel sleepy. And besides, go on, go for a walk, you DESERVE a break!

6. LACK OF SELF-CARE. With any product, including a bulb (!) you would get a set of instructions for use and care. If we neglected those, would we expect it to work to it’s full potential or at all? Look after you. You are a living, breathing being.

7. KEEPING A LIGHT ON IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. It is simple, no sleep, no rest, no power, no bulb!

WHEN OUR LIGHT IS DIMMED SO IS OUR VISION. When our energy is fading or we burnout, think about how that literally dims and restricts our view. We can lose sight of our own path, our priorities and are less likely to spot unhealthy patterns or connections. Think how that impacts on our energy levels, general well-being, and our mental health. We can lose the capacity to function to our full potential and can spend any precious free time in recovery mode. That is not living, that is surviving.

What Lights up your energy Bulb?

1. POSITIVE COMPANY WITH CONSTRUCTIVE ENERGY This makes even “difficult” conversations positive because they are a discussion working towards an outcome or solution. Also, remember to have fun. Sharing laughter, music, making diary plans for social engagements, a walk with a good friend. Plug into the good stuff. NOW WE’RE TALKING!

2. BE YOUR INNER COACH! Our internal dialogue is formed out of painful or positive life experiences. Being aware of your internal commentary will help you manage its content. Remember, NO-ONE IS YOU AND THAT IS YOUR POWER. Look at what you bring. Be proud of the space you stand in.

3. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL HEALTHY BOUNDARIES will bring mutual respect, there is a quote “boundaries are the distance in which I can love you and me simultaneously” And what’s not to LOVE about that!

4. ONLINE AND ON A MISSION. Healthy ground rules and intentions for being online will help structure your day, manage your time, and help you to have a more positive experience when you make your next virtual visit. Give a supportive shout out to those online neighbors that create impact for good! Collaboration and co-supporting creates good energy. There is room for everyone!

5. BE SOLAR POWERED. Take a break from the screen. Take a break from your work. Stretch those legs, take in that fresh air and soak in that short wavelength blue light found by simply getting outdoors. You will have a newly stimulated brain and your “to do” list will actually thank you for it!

6. SELF-CARE will make you glow as you will feel worthy of the time and effort invested in yourself as well as keeping you grounded. You will feel the benefits of eating well, keeping hydrated and keeping moving and nurturing those positive connections!

7. SLEEP, THE ULTIMATE SWITCH OFF It is vital to re-charge. Our physical body needs to sleep for our brain to work. Have a bedtime ritual to acknowledge how valuable this rejuvenation is.

WHEN WE GLOW, WE FLOW. When our energy is nurtured and charged, we light up. When we glow we can see our path more clearly, the paths of others, the bigger picture. With this comes expansion of awareness and so we are more present and more resourceful. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER.

Be mindful of your input and output. Plug in accordingly and SHINE!